Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hamburger Cupcakes and Sugar Cookie French Fries

A couple of weeks back I was skimming through a magazine while watching tv when a picture of a hamburger cupcake caught my eye.  I thought they were the cutest thing I've seen in a while and immediately decided that *I* could easily do that!  I went right to google and searched on hamburger cupcake.  I found that I'm only about two years behind the trend. LOL!

I found most of my inspiration from Bakerella blog.  I've searched through her blog before in the past, she's great!

Last week was my co-worker's birthday.  No better time than now to try my hand at the hamburger cupcakes!

They were YUMMMMMMMMMY!!!!!  I will be doing this again!

Thanks for looking.  Have an awesome day!


  1. These are just so amazing!! LOVE them!! YOU rock!

  2. So cute!! I have been wanting to try this for a long time too, super super cute idea with the fries, I haven't seen this before. OK, I have to go back to today's post, lol this caught my eye :)
    fellow dt sis


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